Frequently Asked Questions about Clinical Gait Analysis
Practical difficulties
getting the patient to walk 'normally'
hitting the force-platform
effect of walkway carpeting
the special challenges of analysing children
effect of walking aids
effect of arm-swing on gait
Identifying segment locations
choice of motion analysis technique
2D vs. 3D
marker identification
marker-less tracking
marker-skin motion
Smoothing & differentiation
interpolation of missing markers
filtering vs. curve-fitting
choice of cut-off frequency
accuracy of differentiation
Is standardization needed?
gender effects
Body mass & Stature or limb-length
Velocity, cadence & stride length
Variability in joint moment & power patterns
Joint centre estimation
Hip-joint centre estimation
Knee anthropometry
measurement vs. regression estimation
Accuracy requirements
Understanding gait
origin of ground reaction forces
passive vs. active dynamics
interpretation of joint moments and powers
segment powers
how many steps do we take in a year?
muscle length-tension relationship & Hill model
And frequent administrative questions...
how much to charge for a gait analysis?
how to start a gait-lab?
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by Dr
Chris Kirtley
Last modified on Thursday, 06-Jun-96 14:59:09.