Kamper, D. G.; Schmit, B. D.; Rymer, W. Z.
Effect of muscle biomechanics
on the quantification of spasticity.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
2001. 29(12):1122-1134.
Ambrosio, Jorge; Abrantes, Joao; Lopes, Gabriel.
Spatial reconstruction of human
motion by means of a single camera and a
biomechanical model.
Human Movement Science. December,
2001. 20(6):829-851.
Jorgensen, C. S.; Kundu, T.
Measurement of material elastic
constants of trabecular bone: A
micromechanical analytic study using a 1 GHz
acoustic microscope.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
2002. 20(1):151-158.
Ng, Joseph K.-F.; Richardson, Carolyn A.; Parnianpour, Mohamad; Kippers,
EMG activity of trunk muscles
and torque output during isometric axial
rotation exertion: A comparison between back
pain patients and matched
Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
2002. 20(1):112-121.
Narmoneva, Daria A.; Cheung, Herman S.; Wang, Jean Y.; Howell,
David S.;
Setton, Lori A.
Altered swelling behavior of femoral
cartilage following joint
immobilization in a canine model.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
2002. 20(1):83-91.
Kafka, Vratislav.
Surface fissures in articular cartilage:
New concepts, hypotheses and
Clinical Biomechanics. January, 2002.
Cusick, Joseph F.; Yoganandan, Narayan.
Biomechanics of the cervical spine 4:
Major injuries.
Clinical Biomechanics. January, 2002.
Sonoda, Hiromichi; Urayama, Shin-ichi; Takamizawa, Keiichi; Nakayama,
Yasuhide; Uyama, Chikao; Yasui, Hisataka;
Matsuda, Takehisa.
Compliant design of artificial
graft: Compliance determination by new
digital X-ray imaging system-based method.
Journal of Biomedical Materials
Research. April, 2002. 60(1):191-195.
Frank, Edmund H.; Gong, Xi; Sipe, Richard V.; Buck, Dave C.; Hollinger,
Jeffrey O.
Transverse process fusion with
bovine anorganic bone.
Journal of Biomedical Materials
Research. April, 2002. 60(1):118-125.
Rho, J. Y.; Mishra, S. R.; Chung, K.; Bai, J.; Pharr, G. M.
Relationship between ultrastructure
and the nanoindentation properties of
intramuscular herring bones.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
2001. 29(12):1082-1088.
Drake, Thomas A.; Schadt, Eric; Hannani, Kambiz; Kabo, J. Michael; Krass,
Kelly; Colinayo, Veronica; Greaser, Lloyd
E.; Goldin, Jonathan; Lusis,
Aldons J.
Genetic loci determining bone
density in mice with diet-induced
Physiological Genomics. June,
2001. 5:205-215.
Gill, G. S.; Mirakhur, K. K.; Saini, N. S.
Clinical and haematological observation
following superficial and deep
digital flexor tenorraphy in dogs.
Indian Veterinary Journal. August,
2001. 78(8):699-702.
Bottino, Dean; Mogilner, Alexander; Roberts, Tom; Stewart, Murray;
How nematode sperm crawl.
Journal of Cell Science. January
15, 2002. 115(2):367-384.
Shetty, Sohan; Shine, Richard.
Activity patterns of yellow-lipped sea
kraits (Laticauda colubrina) on a
Fijian Island.
Copeia. February 8, 2002. 2002(1):77-85.
This study took a lot of guts. Kraits are one the most deadly
poisonous snakes in the world.
I can't imagine carefully noting its locomotor behavior. But
again, they did get to hang out in Fiji.
COMPARATIVE (seems to be cockroach week)
Watson, James T.; Ritzmann, Roy E.; Pollack, Alan J.
Control of climbing behavior in
the cockroach, Blaberus
discoidalis. II.
Motor activities associated with joint movement.
Journal of Comparative Physiology
A Sensory Neural and
Physiology. February, 2002. 188(1):55-69.
Watson, James T.; Ritzmann, Roy E.; Zill, Sasha N.; Pollack, Alan J.
Control of obstacle climbing in
the cockroach, Blaberus
discoidalis. I.
Journal of Comparative Physiology
A Sensory Neural and
Physiology. February, 2002. 188(1):39-53.
Ridgel, Angela L.; Frazier, S. Faith; Zill, Sasha N.
Dynamic responses of tibial campaniform
sensilla studied by
displacement in freely moving cockroaches.
Journal of Comparative Physiology
A Sensory Neural and
Physiology. June, 2001. 187(5):405-420.
Yamane, Shinsaku; Takahata, Masakazu.
Experimental modification of stepping
course in spontaneously
locomotor behavior in the crayfish Procambarus
clarkii Girard.
Journal of Comparative Physiology
A Sensory Neural and
Physiology. February, 2002. 188(1):13-23.
Vanhooydonck, Bieke; Van Damme, Raoul; Aerts, Peter.
Variation in speed, gait characteristics
and microhabitat use in
Journal of Experimental Biology. April,
2002. 205(7):1037-1046.
Dickson, Kathryn A.; Donley, Jeanine M.; Sepulveda, Chugey; Bhoopat,
Effects of temperature on sustained
swimming performance and
kinematics of the chub mackerel Scomber japonicus.
Journal of Experimental Biology. April,
2002. 205(7):969-980.
Herr, Hugh M.; Huang, Gregory T.; McMahon, Thomas A.
A model of scale effects in mammalian
quadrupedal running.
Journal of Experimental Biology.
April, 2002. 205(7):959-967.
Neustadter, David M.; Drushel, Richard F.; Chiel, Hillel J.
Kinematics of the buccal mass
during swallowing based on
resonance imaging in intact, behaving Aplysia
Journal of Experimental Biology.
April, 2002. 205(7):939-958.
Finelli, Christopher M.; Hart, David D.; Merz, Rachel Ann.
Stream insects as passive suspension
feeders: Effects of
velocity and
food concentration on feeding performance.
Oecologia (Berlin) March, 2002.
Renous, S.; Gasc, J.-P.; Bels, V. L.; Wicker, R.
Asymmetrical gaits of juvenile
Crocodylus johnstoni, galloping
Journal of Zoology (London) March,
2002. 256(3):311-325.
(soon to be followed by a paper on the biomechanics of wound healig
after crocodle bites)
Murray, D. L.; Lariviere, S.
The relationship between foot
size of wild canids and regional
conditions: Evidence for selection against
a high footload?
Journal of Zoology (London) March,
2002. 256(3):289-299.
Verhaegen, Marc; Puech, Pierre-Francois; Munro, Stephen.
Aquarboreal ancestors?
Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
May, 2002. 17(5):212-217.
Cang, Jianhua; Yu, Xintian; Friesen, W. Otto.
Sensory modification of leech
swimming: Interactions between
stretch receptors and swim-related neurons.
Journal of Comparative Physiology
A Sensory Neural and
Physiology. September, 2001. 187(7):569-579.
Bethge, P.; Munks, S.; Nicol, S.
Energetics of foraging and locomotion
in the platypus
Journal of Comparative Physiology
B Biochemical Systemic and
Environmental Physiology. August, 2001. 171(6):497-506.
Bonasoro, Francesco; Wilkie, Iain C.; Bavestrello, Giorgio; Cerrano,
Carnevali, M. Daniela Candia.
Dynamic structure of the mesohyl
in the sponge Chondrosia
(Porifera, Demospongiae).
Zoomorphology (Berlin) October,
2001. 121(2):109-121.
Irschick, Duncan J.
Integrating function and ecology
in studies of adaptation:
of locomotor capacity as a model system.
IN: Annual Review of Ecology
and Systematics. Fautin, Daphne
Futuyma, Douglas J.; Shaffer, H. Bradley.
Annual Reviews ; 4139 El
Way, Palo Alto, CA, 94303-0139, USA. 2001.:367-396.
Series title: Annual Review
of Ecology and Systematics 32.
Millet, G. Y.; Perrey, S.; Candau, R.; Rouillon, J. D.
Relationships between aerobic energy
cost, performance and
parameters in roller ski skating: Aerobic energy
cost of roller ski
International Journal of Sports Medicine.
April, 2002.
Kivi, Derek M. R.; Maraj, Brian K. V.; Gervais, Pierre.
A kinematic analysis of high-speed
treadmill sprinting over a
range of
Medicine & Science in Sports
& Exercise. April, 2002.
Auvinet, B.; Gloria, E.; Renault, G.; Barrey, E.
Runner's stride analysis: Comparison
of kinematic and kinetic
under field conditions.
Science & Sports. Mars, 2002.
Reft, J.; Hasan, Z.
Trajectories of target reaching
arm movements in individuals
with spinal
cord injury: Effect of external trunk support.
Spinal Cord. April, 2002. 40(4):186-191.
Thali, Michael J.; Kneubuehl, Beat P.; Dirnhofer, Richard.
A "skin-skull-brain model" for
the biomechanical reconstruction
of blunt
forces to the human head.
Forensic Science International.
February 18th, 2002.
'Laursen, Bjarne; Schibye, Bente.
The effect of different surfaces
on biomechanical loading of
shoulder and
lumbar spine during pushing and pulling of
two-wheeled containers.
Applied Ergonomics. March, 2002.
Randall, Raymond; Griffiths, Amanda; Cox, Tom; Welsh, Claire.
The activation of mechanisms linking
judgements of work design
management with musculoskeletal pain.
Ergonomics. 15 January, 2002.
Duncan, Craig S.; Blimkie, Cameron J. R.; Kemp, Allan; Higgs, William;
Cowell, Christopher T.; Woodhead, Helen; Briody,
Julie N.;
Mid-femur geometry and biomechanical
properties in 15- to
female athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports
& Exercise. April, 2002.
Iencean, S. M.
The stabilizing axial spinal pillar
in the lumbar spine.
Spinal Cord. April, 2002. 40(4):178-185.
Blumenfeld, I.; Srouji, S.; Lanir, Y.; Laufer, D.; Livne, E.
Enhancement of bone defect healing
in old rats by TGF-beta and
Experimental Gerontology. April,
2002. 37(4):553-565.
Lehman, Ronald A.; Kuklo, Timothy R.; Belmont, Philip J., ; Andersen,
C.; Polly, David W.,
Advantage of pedicle screw fixation
directed into the apex of the
promontory over bicortical fixation: A biomechanical
Spine. April 15, 2002. 27(8):806-811.
Gruber, Helen E.; Hanley, Edward N.
Ultrastructure of the human intervertebral
disc during aging and
degeneration: Comparison of surgical and control
Spine. April 15, 2002. 27(8):798-805.
Rother, Paul; Wohlgemuth, Balthasar; Wolff, Werner; Rebentrost,
Morphometrically observable aging
changes in the human tongue.
Annals of Anatomy. March, 2002.
Nafpliotis, Harry.
Biomechanical suit.
Official Gazette of the United
States Patent and Trademark
Patents. Apr. 2, 2002. 1257(1):No Pagination.
US 6364851; April
02, 2002,
602-19, USA.
Downes, Sharon; Shine, Richard.
Why does tail loss increase a lizard's
later vulnerability to
Ecology (Washington D C) May, 2001.
Sargis, Eric J.
The grasping behaviour, locomotion
and substrate use of the tree
Tupaia minor and T. tana (Mammalia, Scandentia).
Journal of Zoology (London) April,
2001. 253(4):485-490.
Papp, Marcos G.; Duarte, Luiz F. L.
Locomotion of Stramonita haemastoma
(Linnaeus) (Gastropoda,
Muricidae) on
a mixed shore of rocks and sand.
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia. Marco,
2001. 18(1):187-195.
Ignatius, Anita A.; Augat, Peter; Ohnmacht, Michael; Pokinskyj, Peter;
Hans-Juergen; Claes, Lutz E.
A new bioresorbable polymer for screw
augmentation in the
of osteoporotic cancellous bone: A Biomechanical
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research.
2001. 58(3):254-260.
Buchanan, Cindy I.; Marsh, Richard L.
Effects of long-term exercise
on the biomechanical properties of
Achilles tendon of guinea fowl.
Journal of Applied Physiology.
January, 2001. 90(1):164-171.
Amiel, Gilad E.; Yoo, James J.; Kim, Byung-Soo; Atala, Anthony.
Tissue engineered stents created
from chondrocytes.
Journal of Urology. June, 2001.
165(6 Part 1):2091-2095.
Heise, Gary D.; Martin, Philip E.
Are variations in running economy in
humans associated with
reaction force characteristics?
European Journal of Applied Physiology.
May, 2001. 84(5):438-442.
Sadeghi, Heydar; Prince, Francois; Sadeghi, Somayeh; Labelle,
Principal component analysis of
the power developed in the
flexion/extension muscles of the hip in able-bodied
Medical Engineering & Physics.
December, 2000. 22(10):703-710.
Winter, David A.; Patla, Aftab E.; Rietdyk, Shirley; Ishac, Milad G.
Ankle muscle stiffness in the
control of balance during quiet
Journal of Neurophysiology (Bethesda)
June, 2001.
Vint, Peter F.; McLean, Scott P.; Harron, Gregory M.
Electromechanical delay in isometric
actions initiated from
Medicine & Science in Sports
& Exercise. June, 2001.
Leblond, Hugues; Menard, Ariane; Gossard, Jean-Pierre.
Corticospinal control of locomotor pathways
generating extensor
in the cat.
Experimental Brain Research. May, 2001.
Pearson, K. G.
Could enhanced reflex function
contribute to improving
locomotion after
spinal cord repair?
Journal of Physiology (Cambridge)
May 15th, 2001. 533(1):75-81.
Rossignol, S.; Giroux, N.; Chau, C.; Marcoux, J.; Brustein, E.;
Reader, T.A.
Pharmacological aids to locomotor training after spinal injury in the
Journal of Physiology (Cambridge)
May 15th, 2001. 533(1):65-74.
McCrea, David A.
Spinal circuitry of sensorimotor
control of locomotion.
Journal of Physiology (Cambridge)
May 15th, 2001. 533(1):41-50.
Edgerton, V. Reggie; de Leon, Ray D.; Harkema, Susan J.; Hodgson, John
London, Nikolas; Reinkensmeyer, David J.;
Roy, Roland R.;
Talmadge, Robert
J.; Tillakaratne, Niranjala J.; Timoszyk,
W.; and others.
Retraining the injured spinal
Journal of Physiology (Cambridge)
May 15th, 2001. 533(1):15-22.
Nomura, Kunihiko; Takei, Yoshiaki; Yanagida, Yasuyoshi.
Analysing entrainment of cardiac
and locomotor rhythms in humans
the surrogate data technique.
European Journal of Applied Physiology.
May, 2001.
Gritsenko, Valeriya; Mushahwar, Vivian; Prochazka, Arthur.
Adaptive changes in locomotor
control after partial denervation
triceps surae muscles in the cat.
Journal of Physiology (Cambridge)
May 15th, 2001.
Hollands, M. A.; Marple-Horvat, D. E.
Coordination of eye and leg movements
during visually guided
Journal of Motor Behavior. June,
2001. 33(2):205-216.
Rancourt, Denis; Hogan, Neville.
Stability in force-production
Journal of Motor Behavior. June,
2001. 33(2):193-204.
Roncesvalles, Maria Nida C.; Woollacott, Marjorie H.; Jensen,
Jody L.
Development of lower extremity
kinetics for balance control in
and young children.
Journal of Motor Behavior. June,
2001. 33(2):180-192.
States, Rebecca A.; Wright, Charles E.
Interplay of biomechanical constraints
and kinematic strategies
selecting arm postures.
Journal of Motor Behavior. June,
2001. 33(2):165-179.
Vieilledent, Stephane; Kerlirzin, Yves; Dalbera, Stephane; Berthoz,
Relationship between velocity
and curvature of a human locomotor
Neuroscience Letters. June 1,
2001. 305(1):65-69.
Fischer, Martin S.
Locomotory organs of mammals:
New mechanics and feed-back
pathways but
conservative central control.
Zoology (Jena) 2001. 103(3-4):230-239.
Gagnon, M.; Desjardins, P.; Larrive, A.
Joint coordinate systems of axes
for coherence in reporting
kinematic and
kinetic data.
Clinical Biomechanics. May, 2001.
Panjabi, Manohar M.; Courtney, Thomas W.
High-speed subfailure stretch
of rabbit anterior cruciate
Changes in elastic, failure and viscoelastic
Clinical Biomechanics. May, 2001.
Bogduk, Nikolai; Yoganandan, Narayan.
Biomechanics of the cervical spine
Part 3: Minor injuries.
Clinical Biomechanics. May, 2001.
Daynard, D.; Yassi, A.; Cooper, J. E.; Tate, R.; Norman, R.; Wells,
Biomechanical analysis of peak
and cumulative spinal loads
simulated patient-handling activities: A substudy
of a randomized
controlled trial to prevent lift and transfer
injury of health
Applied Ergonomics. June, 2001.
Lehman, Gregory J.; McGill, Stuart M.
Spinal manipulation causes variable
spine kinematic and trunk
electromyographic responses.
Clinical Biomechanics. May, 2001.
Alexandrov, A. V.; Frolov, A. A.; Massion, J.
Biomechanical analysis of movement
strategies in human forward
bending. II. Experimental study.
Biological Cybernetics. June,
2001. 84(6):435-443.
Alexandrov, A. V.; Frolov, A. A.; Massion, J.
Biomechanical analysis of movement
strategies in human forward
bending. I. Modeling.
Biological Cybernetics. June,
2001. 84(6):425-434.
Escamilla, Rafael F.; Fleisig, Glenn S.; Lowry, Tracy M.; Barrentine,
Steven W.; Andrews, James R.
A three-dimensional biomechanical
analysis of the squat during
stance widths.
Medicine & Science in Sports
& Exercise. June, 2001.
MacLeod, Norman.
The role of phylogeny in quantitative
paleobiological data
Paleobiology. Spring, 2001. 27(2):226-240.
Kesel, Antonia B.
The ultralight aerofoils of insects:
An evolutionary
Zoology (Jena) 2001. 103(3-4):222-229.
Iwaniuk, Andrew N.; Pellis, Sergio M.; Whishaw, Ian Q.
Are long digits correlated with
high forepaw dexterity? A
test in terrestrial carnivores (Carnivora).
Canadian Journal of Zoology. May,
2001. 79(5):900-906.
Cuadrado, Mariano; Martin, Jose; Lopez, Pilar.
Camouflage and escape decisions
in the common chameleon
Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society. April, 2001.
Peters, Winfried S.; Farm, Maggie S.; Kopf, A. Jim.
Does growth correlate with turgor-induced
elastic strain in
stems? A
re-evaluation of de Vries' classical experiments.
Plant Physiology (Rockville) April,
2001. 125(4):2173-2179.
Dorge, H. C.; Andersen, T. Bull; Sorensen, H.; Simonsen, E. B.
Biomechanical differences in soccer
kicking with the preferred
and the
non-preferred leg.
Journal of Sports Sciences. April,
2002. 20(4):293-299.
Masani, Kei; Kouzaki, Motoki; Fukunaga, Tetsuo.
Variability of ground reaction forces
during treadmill walking.
Journal of Applied Physiology. May,
2002. 92(5):1885-1890.
Hooper, D. M.; Morrissey, M. C.; Crookenden, R.; Ireland, J.; Beacon,
J. P.
Gait adaptations in patients with chronic
posterior instability
of the
Clinical Biomechanics. March, 2002.
De Groot, S.; Veeger, H. E. J.; Hollander, A. P.; van der Woude, L.
Consequence of feedback-based
learning of an effective hand rim
wheelchair force production on mechanical
Clinical Biomechanics. March,
2002. 17(3):219-226.
Wilson, Robbie S.; James, Rob S.; Van Damme, Raoul.
Trade-offs between speed and endurance
in the frog Xenopus
laevis: A
multi-level approach.
Journal of Experimental Biology. April,
2002. 205(8):1145-1152.
Betz, Oliver.
Performance and adaptive value of tarsal
morphology in rove
beetles of the
genus Stenus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae).
Journal of Experimental Biology. April,
2002. 205(8):1097-1113.
Rosen, David A. S.; Trites, Andrew W.
Cost of transport in Steller sea
lions, Eumetopias jubatus.
Marine Mammal Science. April,
2002. 18(2):513-524.
Angilletta, Michael J., ; Hill, Tracy; Robson, Michael A.
Is physiological performance optimized
by thermoregulatory
behavior?: A
case study of the eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus
Journal of Thermal Biology. June,
2002. 27(3):199-204.
Fajardo, Roberto Jose; Ryan, T. M.; Kappelman, J.
Assessing the accuracy of high-resolution
X-ray computed
tomography of
primate trabecular bone by comparisons with
histological sections.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
May, 2002.
Swank, Douglas M.; Knowles, Aileen F.; Suggs, Jennifer A.; Sarsoza,
Lee, Annie; Maughan, David W.; Bernstein,
Sanford I.
The myosin converter domain modulates
muscle performance.
Nature Cell Biology. April, 2002.
Grabiner, Mark D.; Pavol, Michael J.; Owings, Tammy M.
Can fall-related hip fractures be prevented
by characterizing the
biomechanical mechanisms of failed recovery?
Endocrine. February, 2002. 17(1):15-20.
Keller, Tony S.; Colloca, Christopher J.; Beliveau, Jean-Guy.
Force-deformation response of
the lumbar spine: A sagittal plane
model of
posteroanterior manipulation and mobilization.
Clinical Biomechanics. March,
2002. 17(3):185-196.
Schepsis, Anthony A.; Jones, Hugh; Haas, Andrew L.
Achilles tendon disorders in athletes.
American Journal of Sports Medicine.
March-April, 2002.
LaPrade, Robert F.; Muench, Carter; Wentorf, Fred; Lewis, Jack L.
The effect of injury to the posterolateral
structures of the
knee on
force in a posterior cruciate ligament graft.
A biomechanical
American Journal of Sports Medicine.
March-April, 2002.
Hackenberg, Lars; Link, Thomas; Liljenqvist, Ulf.
Axial and tangential fixation strength
of pedicle screws Versus
hooks in
the Thoracic spine in relation to bone mineral density.
Spine. May 1, 2002. 27(9):937-942.
Kotani, Yoshihisa; Abumi, Kuniyoshi; Shikinami, Yasuo; Takada,
Kadoya, Ken; Shimamoto, Norimichi; Ito, Manabu;
Kadosawa, Tsuyoshi;
Fujinaga, Toru; Kaneda, Kiyoshi.
Artificial intervertebral disc replacement
using bioactive
three-dimensional fabric: Design, development, and
animal study.
Spine. May 1, 2002. 27(9):929-936.
Cruse, H.
The functional sense of central
oscillations in walking.
Biological Cybernetics. April,
2002. 86(4):271-280.
Zhang, Lei; Palmer, Ryan; McClellan, Andrew D.
Increase in descending brain-spinal
cord projections with age in
lamprey: Implications for spinal cord injury.
Journal of Comparative Neurology. May
27, 2002. 447(2):128-137.
Sun, Zongyang; Liu, Zi-Jun; Herring, Susan W.
Movement of temporomandibular
joint tissues during mastication
passive manipulation in miniature pigs.
Archives of Oral Biology. April,
2002. 47(4):293-305.
Neder, J. A.; Sword, D.; Ward, S. A.; Mackay, E.; Cochrane,
L. M.;
C. J.
Home based neuromuscular electrical
stimulation as a new
strategy for severely disabled patients with
chronic obstructive
disease (COPD).
Thorax. April, 2002. 57(4):333-337.
Desjardins, P.; Plamondon, A.; Gagnon, M.
Assessment of a three-dimensional
robotic model for
acquisition of human movement.
Medical Engineering & Physics.
March, 2002. 24(2):145-149.
Robert, D.; Gopfert, M. C.
Acoustic sensitivity of fly antennae.
Journal of Insect Physiology. February, 2002.
Norberg, Ulla M. Lindhe.
Structure, form, and function of flight
in engineering and the living
Journal of Morphology. April, 2002.
Azizi, Emanuel; Landberg, Tobias.
Effects of metamorphosis on the aquatic escape
response of the two-lined
salamander (Eurycea bislineata).
Journal of Experimental Biology. March, 2002.
Biewener, Andrew A.
Future directions for the analysis of
musculoskeletal design and
locomotor performance.
Journal of Morphology. April, 2002.
Hubley, Mark J.; Parks, Christopher D.-A.; Lin, Juan.
Temperature-induced changes in the locomotor
capacity of juveniles of
Marenzelleria viridis (Polychaeta, Spionidae).
Invertebrate Biology. 2001. 120(4):372-377.
Uriz, Maria J.; Turon, Xavier; Becerro, Mikel A.
Morphology and ultrastructure of the
swimming larvae of Crambe crambe
(Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida).
Invertebrate Biology. 2001. 120(4):295-307.
Lesiuk, Nalena M.; Drewes, Charles D.
Behavioral plasticity and central regeneration
of locomotor reflexes in
the freshwater oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus.
II: Ablation studies.
Invertebrate Biology. 2001. 120(3):259-268.
Lesiuk, Nalena M.; Drewes, Charles D.
Behavioral plasticity and central regeneration
of locomotor reflexes in
the freshwater oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus.
I: Transection studies.
Invertebrate Biology. 2001. 120(3):248-258.
Schutt, William A., ; Simmons, Nancy B.
Morphological specializations of Cheiromeles
(naked bulldog bats;
Molossidae) and their possible role in quadrupedal
Acta Chiropterologica. 2001. 3(2):225-235.
Sherwood, Graham D.; Pazzia, Ivano; Moeser, Andrew; Hontela, Alice;
Rasmussen, Joseph B.
Shifting gears: Enzymatic evidence for
the energetic advantage of
switching diet in wild-living fish.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences. February, 2002.
Elton, Sarah.
Locomotor and habitat classifications
of cercopithecoid postcranial
material from Sterkfontein Member 4, Bolt's Farm
and Swartkrans Members 1
and 2, South Africa.
Palaeontologia Africana. 2001. 37:115-126.
Montagne, Gilles; Buekers, Martinus; de Rugy, Aymar; Camachon, Cyril;
Laurent, Michel.
Control of human locomotion under various
task constraints.
Experimental Brain Research. March,
2002. 143(1):133-136.
Bent, Leah R.; Inglis, J. Timothy; McFadyen, Bradford J.
Vestibular contributions across the
execution of a voluntary forward
Experimental Brain Research. March,
2002. 143(1):100-105.
Type D 30 AB to see abstract.
Sorensen, K. L.; Hollands, M. A.; Patla, A. E.
The effects of human ankle muscle vibration
on posture and balance during
adaptive locomotion.
Experimental Brain Research. March,
2002. 143(1):24-34.
Verschueren, Sabine M. P.; Swinnen, Stephan P.; Desloovere, Kaat;
Effects of tendon vibration on the spatiotemporal
characteristics of
human locomotion.
Experimental Brain Research. March,
2002. 143(2):231-239.
Hollands, M. A.; Patla, A. E.; Vickers, J. N.
"Look where you're going!": Gaze behaviour
associated with maintaining
and changing the direction of locomotion.
Experimental Brain Research. March,
2002. 143(2):221-230.
Lamoureux, Ecosse L.; Sparrow, William A.; Murphy, Aron; Newton, Robert
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Dan Ferris
Rodger Kram
Univ. of Michigan Univ. of Colorado
or why Mrs. Santa's L4-L5 hurts:
Inpatient hospital care for back disorders in relation to industry
and occupation in Finland
Leino-Arjas P, Kaila-Kangas L, Notkola V, Keskimaki I, Mutanen P
28 (5): 304-313 OCT 2002
Objectives: The variation in hospital admission rates was studied for
back disorders by industry and occupational title among gainfully
employed Finns.
Methods Admissions to Finnish hospitals in 1996 among 25- to
64-year-olds, based on the Hospital Discharge Register, were linked
with sociodemographic data from the 1995 population census for the
following primary diagnoses [International Classification of
Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10)]: all back disorders (M40.0-54.9;
(individual patients) 7253), lumbar intervertebral disc disorders
(M51.0-M51.9, N = 3863), and other common back disorders (ICD-10:
M47.1-47.2, M47.8-47.9, M48.0, M54.1, M54.3-54.5, M54.8-54.9; N =
2433), with the total occupationally active workforce (same age range
and gender) as reference. Age-standardized hospitalization rate
ratios (SRR) were calculated.
Results The highest SRR values for hospitalization for any back
disorder were found for fishing (SRR 195), "other" mining and
carrying (SRR 168), and sewage and refuse disposal (SRR 152) among
the men and water transport (SRR 158), wood product (SRR 149) and
pulp, paper and paper product (SRR 145) manufacturing among the
women. Computer activities (SRR 44) among the men and insurance and
pension funding (SRR 49) among the women had the lowest SRR values.
The occupations reindeer breeders and herders (SRR 495), agricultural
workers (SRR 232), and paper product workers (SRR 205) among the men
and plastic product (SRR 233), laundry (SRR 224), and agricultural
(SRR 219) workers among the women had the highest SRR values. The
lowest SRR values were observed for upper white-collar employees in
public administration [men (SRR 40) and women (SRR 61)].
Conclusions Hospitalization rates for back disorders were high for
several physically strenuous industries and occupations.
No mention of back injuries in older men lifting large sacks of toys.
Remarkably, those clever Australians have figured out that the
easiest way to move a sheep is to drag it downhill.
Wood makes shearing less of a drag
Nature Science Update
16 December 2002
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