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Optic flow is used to control human walking.
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Optic flow is used to control human walking.
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Early ontogeny of locomotor behaviour:
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WEBSITE OF THE WEEK, given the season in the Northern Hemisphere,
this humorous site regards Newton's Laws of *Graduation*
Fraser, Peter J.
Statocysts in crabs: Short-term control
of locomotion and
monitoring of hydrostatic pressure.
Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) April,
2001. 200(2):155-159.
Herrel, A.; Van Damme, R.; Vanhooydonck, B.; De Vree, F.
The implications of bite performance
for diet in two species of
Canadian Journal of Zoology. April,
2001. 79(4):662-670.
Jayne, Bruce C.; Irschick, Duncan J.
A field study of incline use and
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Nedrow, Jeffrey M.; Scholnick, David A.; Gleeson, Todd T.
Roles of lactate and catecholamines
in the energetics of brief
in an ectothermic vertebrate.
Journal of Comparative Physiology
B Biochemical Systemic and
Environmental Physiology. April, 2001. 171(3):237-245.
Robert, Daniel.
Innovative biomechanics for directional
hearing in small flies.
Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole)
April, 2001. 200(2):190-194.
Pelletier, Yvan; Caissie, Robert.
Behavioural and physical reactions
of the Colorado potato
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera:
walking on a
slanted surface.
Biological Cybernetics. April,
2001. 84(4):269-277.
Girard, Isabelle.
Field cost of activity in the
kit fox, Vulpes macrotis.
Physiological and Biochemical
Zoology. March-April, 2001.
Wells, James P.; Turnquist, Jean E.
Ontogeny of locomotion in rhesus
macaques (Macaca mulatta): II.
and locomotor behavior and habitat use in
a free-ranging colony.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
May, 2001.
Buchholtz, Emily A.
Vertebral osteology and swimming
style in living and fossil
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Journal of Zoology (London) February,
2001. 253(2):175-190.
Bajpai, Sunil; Thewissen, J. G. M.
A new, diminutive Eocene whale
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implications for locomotor evolution of cetaceans.
Current Science (Bangalore) 25
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Srinivasan, Mandyam; Zhang, Shaowu; Chahl, Javaan S.
Landing strategies in honeybees,
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Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole)
April, 2001. 200(2):216-221.
Schmitz, Josef; Dean, Jeffrey; Kindermann, Thomas; Schumm, Michael;
A biologically inspired controller
for hexapod walking: Simple
by exploiting physical properties.
Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole)
April, 2001. 200(2):195-200.
Faber, Marjan; Johnston, Christopher; Schamhardt, Henk; van Weeren,
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Basic three-dimensional kinematics
of the vertebral column of
trotting on a treadmill.
American Journal of Veterinary
Research. May, 2001.
Ward, Wendy E.; Yuan, Yvonne V.; Cheung, Angela M.; Thompson, Lilian
Exposure to flaxseed and its purified
lignan reduces bone
strength in
young but not older male rats.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental
Health Part A. May 11,
Milz, Stefan; Valassis, Georgios; Buettner, Andreas; Maier, Markus;
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Fibrocartilage in the transverse
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Wilke, Hans-Joachim; Neef, Peter; Hinz, Barbara; Seidel, Helmut; Claes,
Intradiscal pressure together
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Aronson, J.; Hogue, W. R.; Flahiff, C. M.; Gao, G. G.; Shen, X. C.;
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Development of tensile strength
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in a rat
Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
January, 2001. 19(1):64-69.
Zander, T.; Rohlmann, A.; Calisse, J.; Bergmann, G.
Estimation of muscle forces in
the lumbar spine during
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Pankoke, Steffen; Hofmann, Joerg; Woelfel, Horst P.
Determination of vibration-related
spinal loads by numerical
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Baltzer, Wendy I.; Schulz, Kurt S.; Stover, Susan M.; Taylor, Ken T.;
Philip H.
Biomechanical analysis of suture
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toggle pin stabilization of hip joint luxation
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American Journal of Veterinary
Research. May, 2001.
Lin, Jinn; Lin, Son-Jyh; Chen, Po-Quang; Yang, Shu-Hua.
Stress analysis of the distal
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Initial stability of modular acetabular
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Hsieh, Yeou-Fang; Turner, Charles H.
Effects of loading frequency on
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A new calibration method for 3-D
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Ferris, Daniel P.; Aagaard, Per; Simonsen, Erik B.; Farley,
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Soleus H-reflex gain in humans
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Breniere, Yvon.
Simulation of gait and gait initiation
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Biological Cybernetics. April,
2001. 84(4):261-267.
Ijspeert, Auke Jan.
A connectionist central pattern
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gaits of a simulated salamander.
Biological Cybernetics. May, 2001.
Kozlov, A. K.; Aurell, E.; Orlovsky, G. N.; Deliagina, T. G.; Zelenin,
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Modeling postural control in the
Biological Cybernetics. May, 2001.
Capaday, C
Force-feedback during human walking.
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Adaptive locomotor plasticity
in chronic spinal cats after ankle
extensors neurectomy.
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Liver rupture caused by isolated
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Jorgensen, Claus Chiott; Ahrensberg, Jette Moller; Gregersen,
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Tension-strain relations and morphometry
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Bouchoucha, Michel; Faye, Alain; Arsac, Michel; Rocaries, Francois.
Anal sphincter response to distension.
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Wagner, Ilka P.; Hood, David M.; Hogan, Harry A.
Comparison of bending modulus
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Biomechanical analysis of weight
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Method and device for the recording,
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Biomechanics of hydroskeletons:
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Neuromechanical function
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Musculoskeletal dynamics
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Abbas, James J.
Neuromechanical interaction
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Winters, Jack M.
Subtle nonlinear neuromuscular
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Sadeghi, Heydar; Prince, Francois; Sadeghi, Somayeh; Labelle,
Principal component analysis of
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Medical Engineering & Physics.
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Winter, David A.; Patla, Aftab E.; Rietdyk, Shirley; Ishac, Milad G.
Ankle muscle stiffness in the
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Electromechanical delay in isometric
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Leblond, Hugues; Menard, Ariane; Gossard, Jean-Pierre.
Corticospinal control of locomotor pathways
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Experimental Brain Research. May, 2001.
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Could enhanced reflex function
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Pharmacological aids to locomotor training after spinal injury in the
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Spinal circuitry of sensorimotor
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Analysing entrainment of cardiac
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Rancourt, Denis; Hogan, Neville.
Stability in force-production
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Roncesvalles, Maria Nida C.; Woollacott, Marjorie H.; Jensen,
Jody L.
Development of lower extremity
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Interplay of biomechanical constraints
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Vieilledent, Stephane; Kerlirzin, Yves; Dalbera, Stephane; Berthoz,
Relationship between velocity
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Locomotory organs of mammals:
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Panjabi, Manohar M.; Courtney, Thomas W.
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Changes in elastic, failure and viscoelastic
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Biomechanics of the cervical spine
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Lehman, Gregory J.; McGill, Stuart M.
Spinal manipulation causes variable
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Alexandrov, A. V.; Frolov, A. A.; Massion, J.
Biomechanical analysis of movement
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A three-dimensional biomechanical
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Billerbeck, Jean M.; Lankford, Thomas E., ; Conover, David O.
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Kajiura, Kiyoshi; Katoh, Shinsuke; Sairyo, Koichi; Ikata, Takaaki;
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Kleinstueck, Frank S.; Diederich, Chris J.; Nau, William H.;
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Lin, Yang-Hua; Chen, Chen-Sheng; Cheng, Cheng-Kung; Chen, Yueng-Huan;
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Panjabi, Manohar M.; Miura, Takehiko; Cripton, Peter A.; Wang,
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Covizi, D. Z.; Felisbino, S. L.; Gomes, L.; Pimentel, E. R.; Carvalho,
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Terrier, Philippe; Ladetto, Quentin; Merminod, Bertrand; Schutz, Yves.
Measurement of the mechanical
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