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7, (April, 2000.): 1113-1121.
Necker, R.; Janssen, A.; Beissenhirtz, T.
Behavioral evidence of the role of lumbosacral
anatomical specializations
in pigeons in maintaining balance during terrestrial locomotion.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A Sensory
Neural and Behavioral
Physiology, v. 186, n. 4, (April, 2000.): 409-412.
Sims, David W.
Filter-feeding and cruising swimming
speeds of basking sharks compared
with optimal models: They filter-feed slower than
predicted for their size.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
and Ecology, v. 249, n. 1, (1
June, 2000.): 65-76.
Bartling, Christian; Schmitz, Josef.
Reaction to disturbances of a walking
leg during stance.
Journal of Experimental Biology, v.
203, n. 7, (April, 2000.): 1211-1223.
(note: above article is on cockroaches)
Rogowitz, Gordon L.; Chappell, Mark A.
Energy metabolism of eucalyptus-boring
beetles at rest and during
locomotion: Gender makes a difference.
Journal of Experimental Biology, v.
203, n. 7, (April, 2000.): 1131-1139.
Noakes, T. D.
Physiological models to understand exercise
fatigue and the adaptations
that predict or enhance athletic performance.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science
in Sports, v. 10, n. 3, (June,
2000.): 123-145.
Rauch, F.; Lauzier, D.; Travers, R.; Glorieux, F.; Hamdy, R.
Effects of locally applied transforming
growth factor-beta1 on
distraction osteogenesis in a rabbit limb-lengthening
Bone (New York), v. 26, n. 6, (June,
2000.): 619-624.
Lotz, J. C.; Kroeber, M. W.; Heilmann, M.; Pericherla, K.; Kimmel,
Kinney, J. H.; Lane, N. E.
Tibial plateau fracture as a measure
of early estrogen-dependent bone
fragility in rats.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, v.
18, n. 2, (March, 2000.): 326-332.
Sciadini, Marcus F.; Johnson, Kenneth D.
Evaluation of recombinant human bone
morphogenetic protein-2 as a
bone-graft substitute in a canine segmental defect
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, v.
18, n. 2, (March, 2000.): 289-302.
Hsieh, Adam H.; Tsai, Cliff M.-H.; Ma, Qing-Jun; Lin, Tong; Banes, Albert
J.; Villarreal, Francisco J.; Akeson, Wayne H.;
Sung, K.-L. Paul.
Time-dependent increases in type-III
collagen gene expression in medial
collateral ligament fibroblasts under cyclic strains.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, v.
18, n. 2, (March, 2000.): 220-227.
Fukui, Naoshi; Tashiro, Toshiyuki; Hiraoka, Hisatad; Oda, Hiromi; Nakamura,
Adhesion formation can be reduced by
the suppression of transforming
growth factor-beta1 activity.
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, v.
18, n. 2, (March, 2000.): 212-219.
Ma, C. Benjamin; Janaushek, Marsie A.; Vogrin, Tracy M.; Rudy, Theodore
Harner, Christopher D.; Woo, Savio L.-Y.
Significance of changes in the reference
position for measurements of
tibial translation and diagnosis of cruciate ligament
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, v.
18, n. 2, (March, 2000.): 176-182.
Mosekilde, L. I.; Tornvig, L.; Thomsen, J. S.; Orhii, P. B.; Banu, M.
Kalu, D. N.
Parathyroid hormone and growth hormone
have additive or synergetic effect
when used as intervention treatment in ovariectomized
rats with established
Bone (New York), v. 26, n. 6, (June,
2000.): 643-651.
Bonnard, Mireille; Pailhous, Jean; Danion, Frederic.
Adaptation of neuromuscular synergies
during intentional constraints of
space-time relationships in human gait.
Journal of Motor Behavior, v. 32, n.
2, (June, 2000.): 200-208.
Lee, Richard T.; Huang, Hayden.
Mechanotransduction and arterial smooth muscle
cells: New insight into
hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Annals of Medicine, v. 32, n. 4, (May, 2000.):
Mineck, Corey W.; Tayama, Niro; Chan, Roger; Titze, Ingo R.
Three-dimensional anatomic characterization
of the canine laryngeal
abductor and adductor musculature.
Annals of Otology Rhinology & Laryngology,
v. 109, n. 5 Part 1, (May,
2000.): 505-513.
Taylor, G. M.; Palmer, A. R.; Barton, A. C.
Variation in safety factors of claws within
and among six species of
Cancer crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,
v. 70, n. 1, (May, 2000.):
Dearolf, Jennifer L.; McLellan, William A.; Dillaman, Richard M.; Frierson,
Dargan, ; Pabst, D. Ann.
Precocial development of axial locomotor
muscle in bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus).
Journal of Morphology, v. 244, n. 3,
(June, 2000.): 203-215.
Tejedo, Miguel; Semlitsch, Raymond D.; Hotz, Hansjurg.
Differential morphology and jumping
performance of newly metamorphosed
frogs of the hybridogenetic Rana esculenta complex.
Journal of Herpetology, v. 34, n. 2,
(June, 2000.): 201-210.
Choi, In-Ho; Shim, Jae Han; Lee, Youn Sun; Ricklefs, Robert E.
Scaling of jumping performance in anuran
Journal of Herpetology, v. 34, n. 2,
(June, 2000.): 222-227.
Judex, S.; Wohl, G. R.; Wolff, R. B.; Leng, W.; Gillis, A. M.; Zernicke,
R. F.
Dietary fish oil supplementation adversely
affects cortical bone
morphology and biomechanics in growing rabbits.
Calcified Tissue International, v. 66, n.
6, (June, 2000.): 443-448.
Motamedi, Ali R.; Blevins, Field T.; Willis, Michael C.; McNally, Thomas
P.; Shahinpoor, Mohsen.
Biomechanics of the coracoclavicular
ligament complex and augmentations
used in its repair and reconstruction.
American Journal of Sports Medicine,
v. 28, n. 3, (May-June, 2000.):
Zhu, Qingan; Lu, William W.; Holmes, Andrew D.; Zheng, Yinggang; Zhong,
Shizhen; Leong, John C. Y.
The effects of cyclic loading on pull-out
strength of sacral screw
fixation: An in vitro biomechanical study.
Spine, v. 25, n. 9, (May 1, 2000.):
Belkoff, Stephen M.; Mathis, John M.; Erbe, Erik M.; Fenton, David C.
Biochemical evaluation of a new bone
cement for use in vertebroplasty.
Spine, v. 25, n. 9, (May 1, 2000.):
Quesada, Peter M.; Mengelkoch, Larry J.; Hale, Robert C.; Simon, Sheldon
Biomechanical and metabolic effects
of varying backpack loading on
simulated marching.
Ergonomics, v. 43, n. 3, (March, 2000.):
Praagman, M.; Stokdijk, M.; Veeger, H. E. J.; Visser, B.
Predicting mechanical load of the glenohumeral
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Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 5,
(June, 2000.): 315-321.
Sakai, Naotak; Luo, Zong-Ping; Rand, James A.; An, Kai-Nan.
The influence of weakness in the vastus
medialis oblique muscle on the
patellofemoral joint: An in vitro biomechanical
Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 5,
(June, 2000.): 335-339.
Marcora, Samuele; Miller, Marilyn K.
The effect of knee angle on the external
validity of isometric measures
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Journal of Sports Sciences, v. 18, n.
5, (May, 2000.): 313-319.
Lee, Raymond Y. W.; Munn, Joanne.
Passive moment about the hip in straight
leg raising.
Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 5,
(June, 2000.): 330-334.
Yu, Bing; Holly-Crichlow, Nicole; Brichta, Paul; Reeves, Gordon
Zablotny, Cynthia M.; Nawoczenski, Deborah A.
The effects of the lower extremity joint motions on the total body
in sit-to-stand movement.
Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 6,
(July, 2000.): 449-455.
Swanson, Stephen C.; Caldwell, Graham E.
An integrated biomechanical analysis of high speed incline and level
treadmill running.
Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, v. 32, n. 6, (June, 2000.):
Robon, Matthew J.; Perell, Karen L.; Fang, Meik; Guererro, Emmanuel.
The relationship between ankle plantar
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compressive forces in subjects with and without
Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 7,
(August, 2000.): 522-527.
Perron, Marc; Malouin, Francine; Moffet, Helene; McFadyen, Bradford
Three-dimensional gait analysis in women
with a total hip arthroplasty.
Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 7,
(August, 2000.): 504-515.
Hausdorff, Jeffrey M.; Lertratanakul, Apiny; Cudkowicz, Merit E.; Peterson,
Amie L.; Kaliton, David; Goldberger, Ary L.
Dynamic markers of altered gait rhythm
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Journal of Applied Physiology, v. 88,
n. 6, (June, 2000.): 2045-2053.
Hillmann, Axel; Rosenbaum, Dieter; Winkelmann, Winfried.
Plantar and dorsal foot loading measurements
in patients after
Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 5,
(June, 2000.): 359-364.
Reihsner, Roland; Melling, Mahmoud; Pfeiler, Wolfgang; Menzel,
Alterations of biochemical and two-dimensional
biomechanical properties
of human skin in diabetes mellitus as compared to
effects of in vitro
non-enzymatic glycation.
Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 5,
(June, 2000.): 379-386.
Arteaga-Solis, Emilio; Gayraud, Barbara; Ramirez, Francesco.
Elastic and collagenous networks in vascular
Cell Structure and Function, v. 25, n. 2,
(April, 2000.): 69-72.
Plewes, Donald B.; Bishop, Jonathan; Samani, Abbas; Sciarretta, Justin.
Visualization and quantification of
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properties with magnetic resonance elastography.
Physics in Medicine and Biology, v.
45, n. 6, (June, 2000.): 1591-1610.
Connour, Jacqueline Runestad; Glander, Kenneth; Vincent, Francois.
Postcranial adaptations for leaping
in primates.
Journal of Zoology (London), v. 251,
n. 1, (May, 2000.): 79-103.
Wilson, Robbie S.; Franklin, Craig E.; James, Rob S.
Allometric scaling relationships of
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Peters, Winfried S.; Hagemann, Wolfgang; Tomos, A. Deri.
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Dickinson, Michael H.; Farley, Claire T.; Full, Robert J.; Koehl, M.
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Farmer, Colleen G.; Carrier, David R.
Ventilation and gas exchange during treadmill
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The biomechanic origin of sprint performance
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Japanese Journal of Physiology, v. 50,
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Perttunen, Jarmo; Kyrolainen, Heikki; Komi, Paavo V.; Heinonen, Ari.
Biomechanical loading in the triple
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Chow, John W.; Chae, Woen-Sik; Crawford, Michael J.
Kinematic analysis of shot-putting performed
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Journal of Sports Sciences, v. 18, n.
5, (May, 2000.): 321-330.
Buckley, John G.
Biomechanical adaptations of transtibial
amputee sprinting in athletes
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Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 5,
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Lavender, Steven A.; Shakeel, Kharwar; Andersson, Gunnar B. J.; Thomas,
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Davis, Kermit G.; Heaney, Catherine A.
The relationship between psychosocial
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Keyserling, W. Monroe.
Workplace risk factors and occupational
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An assessment of alternate keyboards
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Nelson, John E.; Treaster, Delia E.; Marras, William S.
Finger motion, wrist motion and tendon
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Clinical Biomechanics, v. 15, n. 7,
(August, 2000.): 489-498.
Schramm, M.; Wirtz, D. C.; Holzwarth, U.; Pitto, R. P.
The morse taper junction in modular
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Winkelstein, Beth A.; Nightingale, Roger W.; Richardson, William J.;
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The cervical facet capsule and its role in whiplash injury: A biomechanical
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Spinal repair in immature animals: A
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Winters, J. Christian; Fontenot, Christopher; Glowacki, Carol;
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Comparison of biomechanical properties
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Lotz, Jeffrey C.; Chin, Jennie R.
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Elisseeff, J.; McIntosh, W.; Anseth, K.; Riley, S.; Ragan, P.;
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Kandziora, Frank; Kerschbaumer, Fridun; Starker, Michael; Mittlmeier,Thomas.
Biomechanical assessment of transoral
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de Ricqles, Armand J.; Padian, Kevin; Horner, John R.; Francillon-Vieillot,
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Anatomy, ontogeny, and biomechanical implications.
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v. 129, n. 3, (July, 2000.):
Kim, Sung Min; McCulloch, Timothy M.; Rim, Kwan.
Pharyngeal pressure analysis by the finite
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2000.): 585-589.
Graham, R. Scott; Oberlander, Eric K.; Stewart, John E.; Griffiths,
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Journal of Neurosurgery, v. 93, n. 1
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Brasil, Albert V. B.; Coelho, Danilo G.; Filho, Tarcisio Eloy
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Farooque, Mohammad.
Spinal cord compression injury in the
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Acta Neuropathologica, v. 100, n. 1,
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Carvalho, Hernandes F.; Felisbino, Sergio L.; Covizi, Daniela Z.; Della
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Structure and proteoglycan composition
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Arokoski, J. P. A.; Jurvelin, J. S.; Vaatainen, U.; Helminen,
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Bonassar, Lawrence J.; Grodzinsky, Alan J.; Srinivasan, Aneetha;
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Wu, Chi-Chuan; Tai, Ching-Lung; Shih, Chun-Hsiung.
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Yu, Chen Guang; Jimenez, Omar; Marcillo, Alexander E.; Weider, Brian;
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Gschwend, Norbert; Frei, Thomas; Morscher, Erwin; Nigg, Benno; Loehr,
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Cox, Martha E.; Asselin, Steeve; Gracovetsky, Serge A.; Richards, Mark
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Fuji, Takeshi; Oda, Takenori; Kato, Yasuji; Fujita, Satoru; Tanaka,
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Intraoperative kinematic protocol for
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Harner, Christopher D.; Janaushek, Marsie A.; Ma, C. Benjamin; Kanamori,
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Pregnancy affects cellular activity,
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Panjabi, Manohar M.; Oda, Toyohiko; Wang, Jaw-Lin.
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Umehara, Shinji; Zindrick, Michael R.; Patwardhan, Avinash G.; Havey,
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The biomechanical effect of postoperative
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Puttlitz, Christian M.; Goel, Vijay K.; Clark, Charles R.; Traynelis,
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Biomechanical rationale for the pathology
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Oda, Itaru; Cunningham, Bryan W.; Buckley, Rudolph A.; Goebel, Michael
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Re: Does spinal kyphotic deformity influence
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COMPARATIVE (seems like "lizard week")
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Locomotor performance and dominance
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Degenerative joint disease in African
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MacLatchy, Laura; Gebo, Daniel; Kityo, Robert; Pilbeam, David.
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Fukui, Yoshio; Uyeda, Taro Q. P.; Kitayama, Chikako; Inoue, Shinya.
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