Case of the week - 29/6/97

from Univ. Clinic for Physical Medicine & Rehabiliation, Vienna General Hospital

9 yo diplegia child with femoral anteversion

Quick time format
sagittal plane movie
frontal plane movie (front side)
frontal plane (back side)

AVI format
sagittal plane movie
frontal plane movie (front side)
frontal plane (back side)

H-VRML animation (9.5 Mb QuickTime) by Isam Hilal, ENST-Bretagne, France

Trunk Kinematics

Joint Kinematics
Joint Kinetics

Right-side Electromyography
Left-side Electromyography

... points for discussion:

Case supplied by Mag. Andreas Kranzl and Dr. Andy Kopf

Email your comments to [n/a]

What people said...

Maintained by DDr. Chris Kirtley, Andreas Kranzl & Dr. Andreas Kopf
Last modified on Friday, 27-Jun-97.

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