CGA FAQ: Turning Gait

[1]     C. Cao, J. A. Ashton-Miller, A. B. Schultz,
and N. B. Alexander, “Abilities to turn suddenly while
walking: effects of age,gender, and available response
time,?Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, vol.
52A, pp. M88-M93, 1997.

[2]     C. Cao, A. B. Schultz, J. A. Ashton-Miller,
and N. B. Alexander, “Sudden turns while walking:
kinetic sources of age and gender differences,?Gait
and Posture, vol. 7, pp. 45-52, 1998.

[3]     C. R. Gordon, W. A. Fletcher, and G.
Melvill-Jones, “Adaptive plasticity in the control of
locomotor trajectory,?Experimental Brain Research,
vol. 102, pp. 540-5445, 1995.

To the best of my knowledge, the only relevant
references at
present are those by Aftab Patla. The first (1991) of
examined the kinetics of sudden  30 or 60 degrees
turns during
walking at preferred speed. The second study (1999)
looked at
some kinematic factors during 20, 40 and 60 degree
turns and
compared them when subjects had short or long notice
of the turn.
Hase and Stein have also described the strategies used
to make
sudden 180deg during walking and there are a few
comparing the kinetics of sudden turns to those of
initiating and
stopping walking.

Get the Book: Human Walking by Vern Inman

An entire chapter is devoted to Kinematics and is very
help full.

Taper dans biomed ou medline les auteurs suivant :
Grasso R
Glasauer S
Solomon D

Look in PubMed at A.Patla and M. Rand.

“A traveling wave of lateral movement coordinates both
turning and forward walking in the ferret? Biol
Cybern, 1998 jun; 78(6):pp441-453

Domenici.P., Jamon. M.,Clarac.F.
“Curve walking in freely moving crayfish?
J. Exp. Biol., 1998 May; 201 (Pt9):1315-29

Takei Y., Grasso.R., Berthoz.A.,
“Quantitative analysis of human walking trajectory on
a circular path in darkness?br> Brain Res. Bull.,1996; 40(5-6):491-6

Rieser JJ, Pick Jr, Ashmead DH, Garing AE
“Calibration of human locomotion and models of
perceptual-motor organization?br> J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform, 1995 Jun; 21
(3): 480-97

Hase K, Stein RB,
“Turning strategies during human walking ?br> J. Neurophysiol, 1999 Jun; 81(6): 2914-22

Hase K., Stein RB.,
“Stopping and turning during human walking?br> Prog. Brain Res., 1999; 123: 445-53

Baumann JU., Schar A., Meier G.,
“Forces and turning moments of hip and knee joints in
locomotion?br> Orthopade, 1992 Feb; 21(1): 29-34

Imms FJ, Edholm OG,
“Studies of gait and mobility in the elderly?br> Age Ageing 1981 Aug; 10(3): 147-56

Hughes J., Jacobs N.,
“Normal human locomotion?br> Prosthet. Orthot. Int., 1979 Apr; 3(1): 4-12

Taylor MJD, Dabnichki P, Strike SC. A three-dimensional biomechanical comparison between turning strategies during the stance phase of walking. Hum Mov Sci. 2005 Aug;24(4):558-73.
Huxham F, Gong J, Baker R, Morris M, Iansek R. Defining spatial parameters for non-linear walking. Gait Posture. 2006 Feb;23(2):159-63
Flick KC, Orendurff MS, Berge JS, Segal AD, Klute GK.Comparison of human turning gait with the mechanical performance of lower limb prosthetic transverse rotation adapters. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2005 Apr;29(1):73-81. Erratum in: Prosthet Orthot Int. 2005 Aug;29(2):202
Durr V, Ebeling W. The behavioural transition from straight to curve walking: kinetics of leg movement parameters and the initiation of turning. J Exp Biol. 2005 Jun;208(Pt 12):2237-52.
Xu D, Carlton LG, Rosengren KS.Anticipatory postural adjustments for altering direction during walking.J Mot Behav. 2004 Sep;36(3):316-26
Michael S. Orendurff, Ava D. Segal, Jocelyn S. Berge, Kevin C. Flick, David Spanier and Glenn K. Klute. The kinematics and kinetics of turning: limb asymmetries associated with walking a circular path Gait & Posture, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 106-111
Stack E and Ashburn A. Early development of the Standing-start 180?Turn Test Physiotherapy, Volume 91, Issue 1, March 2005, Pages 6-13
Courtine G, Schieppati M.Human walking along a curved path. I. Body trajectory, segment orientation and the effect of vision. Eur J Neurosci. 2003 Jul;18(1):177-90
Courtine G, Schieppati M. Human walking along a curved path. II. Gait features and EMG patterns.Eur J Neurosci. 2003 Jul;18(1):191-205.

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