Gait Analysis Courses around the world

Hi Mohammad,
Our department actually run a 3 day gait course (especially in clinical
data interpretation) every 2 years, and this time it will be between
26th-28th of May ( which is two days away!!). Anyway you can check my
department website in the signature below or the gait course address


(Mr) Tam C Nguyen  B.Sc, B.Eng(Biomedical)
Biomedical Engineer

Hugh Williamson Gait Laboratory 
3rd Floor, Main Block
Royal Children's Hospital
Flemington Rd, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia

Tel: +61 (03) 9345 6792
Fax: +61 (03) 9345 5447
Mob: +61    0412 503158


Hello This is a reply to Mr. Alghamdi´s question about a short course about motion analysis.  The European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children has arranged two 3-day courses on Gait Analysis.  It will be held in Helsingborg, Sweden on the 25th - 27th of September 2000.  The 9th annual meeting of ESMAC will be held on the 28th to 30th of September in Lund (which is nearby).  If you are interested you can take a look at Best regards, Karl Gudmundsson Kine Iceland
Dear mohammed I recommend you to attend The 9the annual meeting of  the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adult and  Childern (ESMAC)  and the  gait analysis courses will be  held in Sweden from 25th-28th Sep. This is a very useful short course in the area of  human  gait analysis and I am  sure you will get benefit from it . If you need  further information please e-mail Khaled Al-Zahrani
I received today the invitation for the following course (see below)  about clinical movement analysis that will be held in Florence, Italy, next November. Consider if such course can fulfill your needs. Best regards, Lorenzo  Lorenzo Chiari, PhD Biomedical Engineering Group DEIS - University of Bologna Viale Risorgimento, 2 I-40136 Bologna - ITALY   ph:  (+39) 051 209 3014 fax:  (+39) 051 209 3073 email: web:
It is with great excitement that the Laboratorio di Fisiopatologia e Riabilitazione del Movimento of the Geriatric Department of the
Italian National Research Centre on Ageing (INRCA) of Florence, Italy, wishes to announce the instructional course:


                                   26 November – 1 December 2000

SCIENZE BIOMEDICHE DELLA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI SASSARI have agreed to open this training opportunity to the
public. The program of the course is designed for physical medicine physicians, orthopedists, neurologists, geriatricians, physical
therapists, kinesiologists, bioingeneers and computer scientists. Staff from the Biomechanics Laboratory at the National Institutes
of Health will be participating in this course as non-paid instructors under a broad research cooperation between the United States of
America and the Italian government. Please note, the number of course participants is strictly limited in order to maintain a
personalized hands-on experience. The official language of the course will be English. No translation will be provided.

Rehabilitation specialists must have understanding of how impairments of the neuromusculoskeletal system translate into
movement disorders and ultimately into physical disabilities. Clinical movement analysis is rapidly evolving into an important tool for
assisting rehabilitation specialists in their quest to achieve optimal patient function - for it provides valuable clues towards our
understanding of the trans-domain cause and effect relationship that relates impairments to functional movement limitations and
physical disabilities. 

The course contains two challenging parallel instructional tracks both having emphasis on experiential learning through practical
laboratory experiences. The clinical group will receive special instruction on combining patient assessment information and
rehabilitation focused clinical movement analysis data for a clearer understanding of a patient’s movement performance status and
the evaluation and enhancement of various rehabilitation interventions. The technical group will receive special instruction on the
configuration and evaluation of movement analysis systems and the matching of advanced movement modeling and analysis
capabilities with the unique needs of rehabilitation clinicians. Participants from both tracks will be combined frequently to create
evaluation teams that will be asked to perform challenging assessments on mock patient cases.

The primary course objective is to teach both clinical and technical participants a set of rehabilitation-focused clinical movement
analysis techniques and introduce participants to several future motion analysis methods. The established movement analysis
techniques are based on the generalized six degree-of-freedom movement analysis tools implemented in the Biomechanics
Laboratory at the National Institutes of Health. The future methods include induced acceleration analysis and computer-based
movement simulation. Participants will experience hands-on training with a powerful set of computer visualization tools designed to
significantly enhance the basic capabilities of the NIH Move3D public domain software package.

Following the course participants should:

   1.Comprehend and articulate the rehabilitation domains defined by the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research

   2.Understand the role movement analysis plays within the NCMRR rehabilitation model. 

   3.Be capable of implementing the rehabilitation-focused clinical movement analysis process. 

        a.Understand specialized movement analysis laboratory design and instrumentation considerations for the rehabilitation

        b.Have knowledge of a motion laboratory’s capabilities (be a better consumer). 

        c.Have detailed knowledge of the C3D data file contents and format. 

        d.Gain knowledge and experience with the biomechanical model building process. 

        e.Effectively merge the patient assessment, test preparation and movement data collection process. 

         f.Incorporate and accommodate assistive technologies in the analysis. 

        g.Develop and execute manual and automated motion data preprocessing and analysis steps. 

        h.Understand the rehabilitation focused data reporting process. 

         i.Relate muscular effort to overall task performance. 

         j.Relate movement demands to a patient’s capability. 


Information about faculty, topics and organization of the course, lodging and registration are reported in our web-site: 

For further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at the address indicated below.

Looking forward to meeting you in Florence,

Best regards

Dr. Francesco Benvenuti

Dr. Francesco Benvenuti,
Laboratorio di Fisiopatologia e Riabilitazione del Movimento 

U.O. di Geriatria, INRCA,
Viale Michelangiolo 41,
50125 Firenze, Italy 

Tel.  +39-055-6577253;  +39-055-65771

Fax. +39-055-6577413 


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