Hello All:
Below you will find all the responses I received to my post titled
"Graduate Biomechanics Texts." Based on the responses, it would
seem that
several of us struggle with similar text book issues. My sincere thanks
all of you who contributed. Based on the responses, I have ordered
desk copies and will post a response once I have had time to evaluate
Jim Martin
Original Post
Hello All:
One of the courses I teach is a masters level biomechanics course.
several years I have been using Winter's "Biomechanics and Motor Control
Human Movement" and I really like the format and flow of that text.
Unfortunately, the students are frustrated by the numerous errors and
cavalier way in which some of the examples are worked out. My students
usually come in to this class with a wide variety of math backgrounds
some are quite challenged by the equations for dynamic equilibrium
they find errors in solutions maddening).
The focus of the course is on inverse dynamic solutions (i.e. getting
though chapter 4) and estimating muscle forces (chapter 5).
Can any of you recommend an alternative text that will allow me to
the course in the same way but reduce the frustration of my students?
Thanks in advance,
Raoul F. Reiser II at University of Wyoming <reiser@uwyo.edu>
If you get some good advice I would like to hear it. I too plan
to use
Winter's text in the future, but would like something with less errors
possibly a little more up to date. Have you ever looked at
Three-dimensional analysis of human movement by Allard et al, published
HK? It has all the right topics, but found it to be way too challenging
for the students I would be working with. Enoka's text is supposed
to have
a new version out and they have made enough changes to also change
title. I don't know if it expands enough now though to cover
what you are
looking for.
Ruth E. Mayagoitia-Hill at Stratfordshire University
<R.E.Mayagoitia-Hill@staffs.ac.uk> wrote:
How about my favorite: Barney Le Veau, "Williams and
Lissner's Biomechanics of Human Motion", WB Saunders Co, ISBN
Also available in French and Spanish. There are some misprints,
only a few.
Raul Diaz Gonzalez <diaz@teleton.org.mx> at Laboratorio de
Análisis de
Movimiento, Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón
I can recommend the book written by Dr. Cappozzo. I had the opportunity
attend his course in Florence last November and his book is wonderful.
is available through amazon.com.
Bryan St. Laurent <slbryan@qwest.net> at Arizona State
University wrote:
There is a great book that is just out by Gary T. Yamaguchi (Arizona
University). Professor Yamaguchi uses Kane's Method (a
vector based
approach) for biomechanical analysis in 3D. There are chapters
on muscle
modeling and inverse dynamics.
Roozbeh Naemi <roozbehn@hotmail.com> wrote:
As I used Newton-Euler's Inverse Dynamic equations in my MSc thesis,
think that chapter 8 of "Three-Dimensional Analysis of Human Movement"
Edited by Paul Allard, Ian Stokes, Jeanne-Pierre Blanchi Copyright
384pp ISBN: 0873226232 by the title of "Euler's and Lagrange's
for Linked Rigid-Body Models of Three-Dimensional Human Motion" by
James G
Andrews is the simplest and best text for Inverse Dynamic Equations.
In my
opinion it is very suitable for students with average base of mathematics.
Priya Radhakrishnan <pradha1@uic.edu> at University of Illinois
at Chicago
Having taken a course myself with that textbook, I agree that the numerous
errors and examples are not sufficient and frustrating. Unfortunately
I do
not know of any other useful texts. My only suggestion is to focus
more on
the concepts and work through some of the more basic problems that
one to understand the methodology of inverse dynamics and approach
it more
practically by assigning the more challenging problems that require
the use
of a programming software such as Matlab as well as use journal articles
supplements. Hope this helps. Good luck.
At Hof <a.l.hof@med.rug.nl> at Institute of Human
Movement Sciences &
Laboratory of Human Movement Analysis AZG University of Groningen
I can agree with the feelings of you and your students. Winter's
book is
valuable, I learned the trade myself from it, but a good course
contain some more fundamental stuff. Other texts are even more basic,
seldom rise above M = force x arm.
Then later Dr. Hof wrote:
You already got an answer from me, but recently I came across a new
"Human Body Dynamics" by A. Tozeren Springer, New York, 2000 ISBN
0-387-98801-7 I had only time to browse it superficially. It
is not what I
hoped it to be. Most kinesiology texts are a lot of anatomy,
very elementary mechanics. The notable exception is Winter.
This book is
quite the contrary. It is a thorough text on classical mechanics,
examples taken from biomechanics, but not real biomechanics.
I mean - the
theory seems alright, be it rather 'heavy' - but it falls short in
practice E.g. local reference frames are used very extensively
the derivation of the angular velocity vector (ch 9) but I have
as yet not
found how to compute it from the derivatives of the rotation matrices.
Inverse dynamics in treated only very cursorily, no examples or
considerations. Examples are often quite artificial. Maybe this text
be appreciated by your boimed eng students but for kinesiology
students it
is way too difficult and too far from practice. It may be a good book
the teacher to look how it really is, or to get ideas for problems.
I think
it is a good thing to exchange findings this way.
Richard N. Hinrichs, Ph.D. <hinrichs@asu.edu> Dept. of Exercise Science
Physical Education Arizona State University wrote:
I use Nordin and Frankel (2001) for my course entitled Biomechanics
of the
Skeletal System. We also use an out of print book by Wiktorin
and Nordin
(1986) entitled "Problem Solving in Biomechanics". I got permission
reprint it ourselves at the copy center. This course might not
be at the
same level as your course since we only do static equilibrium problems
compute muscle and joint forces. The course is a combined senior
undergraduate/beginning graduate course and follow the Nordin and Frankel
book fairly closely.
Winter, David A.
Biomechanics and motor control of human movement
New York : Wiley, c1990.2nd ed.
Winter, David A
A.B.C. (anatomy, biomechanics and control) of balance during standing
and walking
Waterloo, Ont. : Waterloo Biomechanics, c1995.
Whittle, Michael.
Gait analysis : an introduction
Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991.
Perry, Jacquelin.
Gait analysis : normal and pathological function
Thorofare, N.J. : SLACK, c1992.
Inman VT, Ralston HJ, Todd F
Human Walking
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1981, 1st edition
Rose J, Gamble JG
Human Walking
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1994, 2nd edition
Vaughan CL, Davis BL, O'Connor J
Dynamics of Human Gait
Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 1992, 1st edition
Vaughan CL, Davis BL, O'Connor J
Dynamics of Human Gait
Cape Town : Kiboho Publishers, 1999, 2nd edition
Gage, James R.
Gait analysis in cerebral palsy
London : Mac Keith Press ; Oxford : Blackwell Scientific Publishers
New York : Cambridge
University Press , 1991.
DeLisa, Joel A.
Gait analysis in the science of rehabilitation.
Washington : Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administation,
Craik, Rebecca.
Gait analysis : theory and application
St. Louis : Mosby, 1995.
Sutherland, David H.
The Development of Mature Walking
Blackwell, Oxford (U.K.) 1989.
Also have a look at the following FAQ pages:
Perry, Jacquelin. "The Mechanics of Walking: A Clinical Interpretation."
in: Principles of
Lower-Extremity Bracing. Eds. Jacquelin Perry and Helen J. Hislop.
Washington, D. C.: Am.
Phys. Ther. Assoc., 1973, pp. 9-32.
Perry, Jacquelin. "The Mechanics of Walking:
A Clinical Interpretation." in: Principles of Lower-Extremity
Eds. Jacquelin Perry and Helen J. Hislop.
Washington, D. C.:
Am. Phys. Ther. Assoc., 1973, pp. 9-32.
David E. Krebs, PhD, PT
Professor and Director, MGH Biomotion Laboratory
MGH Institute of Health Professions
101 Merrimac Street
Boston, MA 02114-4719
V: 617 726 8016
F: 617 726 8022
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