Methods of Representing Solid Angles

Thus mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bertrand Russell
Direction cosine (transformation, rotation) matrices  a11, a12, a13
a21, a22, a23
a31, a32, a33
Redundant, Interpretation No gimbal lock Most complete representation
Cardan (Tait-Bryant) roll, pitch, yaw
(somersault, tilt, twist)

no axis repeats

cyclic: (Xyz (Earth Fixed - longitude/latitude, Fick), Yzx (Helmholz), Zxy

or anti-cyclic: Zyx, Xzy,Yxz 

Sequence Dependence

Increasingly sensitive to measuring errors.
near gimbal lock when second 
rotation = 90 or 270° , i.e. first &
third axes  parallel (e.g. earth at poles for Fick, shoulder abducted to 90°, false torsion in eye movements in Fick & Helmholz)

Interpretaton in terms of anatomical motion (sagittal, frontal, transverse) Sometimes also grouped with Euler angles

[Grood & Suntay, 1983]

Euler As for Cardan but first and last rotations about same axis: 

Xyx, Yzy, Zxz, 
Xzx, Xyx, Yxy

Sequence Dependence

Gimbal lock when second 
rotation is 0 or 180°, i.e. first & third axes parallel

Interpretaton in terms of anatomical motion

No false torsion in eye movements for Xzx

[Craig, 1989 has conversion matrices between all Euler sequence combinations]
Euler parameters (Quaternions, Euler's axis and angle, finite rotational axis) q = q4 + iq1 + jq2 + kq3
i2 = j2 = k2 = ijk = -1 

q1 = ex sin (f/2)
q2 = ey sin (f/2)
q3 = ez sin (f/2)
q4 = cos(f/2)
e = unit vector along axis of rotation
f = total rotation angle

Interpretation in terms of anatomical motion Sequence-independent 

Insensitive to round-off errors

Conversion from Euler Angles

q1 = cos(yaw/2) cos(pitch/2) sin(roll/2) - sin(yaw/2) sin(pitch/2) cos(roll/2)

q2 = cos(yaw/2) sin(pitch/2) cos(roll/2) + sin(yaw/2) cos(pitch/2) sin(roll/2)

q3 = sin(yaw/2) cos(pitch/2) cos(roll/2) - cos(yaw/2) sin(pitch/2) sin(roll/2)

q4 = cos(yaw/2) cos(pitch/2) cos(roll/2) + sin(yaw/2) sin(pitch/2) sin(roll/2)

For small angles:
q1 ~ roll / 2
q2 ~ pitch / 2
q3 ~ yaw / 2
q4 ~ 1

Conversion from Quaternion to Euler
tan(yaw) = 2(q1q2+q4q3) / (q42 + q12 - q22 - q32)
sin(pitch) = -2(q1q3-q4q2)
tan(roll)  =  2(q4q1+q2q3) / (q42 - q12 - q22 + q32

[Haug, 1989; Kuipers, 1999]

Angle-axis q1 = Ux
q2 = Uy
q3 = Uz
q4 = f
Conversion from Euler Angles
Rotation Vector (Benati, Rodriguez-Hamilton) q1 = ex tan (f/2)
q2 = ey tan (f/2)
q3 = ez tan (f/2)
Gimbal lock when 180°
Helical angles (finite helical axis, screw theory, Woltring) h1 = A*Ux
h2 = A*Uy
h3 = A*Uz
sensitive to
measurement error & noise
combines description of location & attitude (absolute or relative) or location & attitude
[Ball, 1900; Woltring 1994]

The current rotations must respect the previous rotations to avoid gimbal lock to prevent any alignment of rotation axis which causes this problem. This problem doesn't depend on the mathematical way you choose to express rotations, it depends on the way to combine rotations. The problem comes from Euler's classical transform: R=Rx.Ry.Rz

Implicitely or explicitly you use it with matrices, quaternions, Euler or Cardan angles, ...

You should correct this transform and it works whatever you used to express your rotations:

R=R[R[R[Ox,a]Oy,b]R[Ox,a]Oz,c] . R[R[Ox,a]Oy,b] .R[Ox,a].

Contributed by Julien Gouesse


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Please let me know if you spot any errors, or have any additions!
Dr. Chris Kirtley