Ground Reaction Vector
Shear (friction) forces
horizontal force component
caused by friction
generate forward-backward (antero-posterior) accelerations:
FAP = m.(aAP)
backwards (-) during early stance (loading): body is decelerating
forwards (+) in late stance (push-off): body is decelerating
Resolution of Forces
combine two forces (load and shear)
parallelogram or triangle of forces
resultant (the GRV) is longer than each of the components
slopes at an angle depending on shear

tan A = opposite / adjacent = Load / Shear
by pythagoras: total force (resultant) = Ö(Load2
+ Shear2)
body accelerates up and down
accelerations add to and subtract from the body weight:
F = m.g
F = m.(g + a)
load rises from zero at heel-strike
increases to slightly more (about 20%) than body weight in
early stance
falls to less than body weight during mid-stance (30% cycle)
at toe-off (push-off phase) it rises above body weight
Muscle Activity from the GRV
same rule applies as in standing:
external moment due to GRV = internal Moment due to muscle
active muscle is on opposite side of joint to GRV
GRV on extensor side of the joint => flexor muscle
GRV on flexor side of the joint => extensor muscle
muscle (or ligament) moment = size of GRV x lever arm lever
arm (perpendicular distance between the GRV and joint)

dorsiflexors + quads plantarflexors
+ posterior capsule
Center of Pressure
starts at the lateral border of the heel at initial contact
moves forward through stance to big toe (hallux) at toe-off
CoP velocity not constant - moves quickly over heel and toes

pressure measurement (pedobarography)
E. M., & Milani, T. L. (1995). In-shoe pressure distribution for running
in various types of footwear. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 11(3), 299-310.
Abnormal pressures
Flat foot (everted, pronated)
Cavus foot (inverted, supinated)

Equinus (tiptoe)
Calcaneal (on heels)