Case of the week - 5/7/96

3 1/2 yo diplegic girl. Gait analysis done prior to serial casting of the ankles, with and without AFOs. Cadence 120 st/min. Velocity 0.8 m/s.

Right-side movie
Right-side Gait Analysis Results
Right-side Force-plate record
Left-side movie
Left-side Gait Analysis Results
Leeft-side Force-plate record
Frontal-plane movie

Right-side with AFOs movie
Right-side with AFOs Gait Analysis Results
Right-side Force-plate record
Left-side with AFOs movie
Left-side with AFOs Gait Analysis Results
Left-side Force-plate record

... points for discussion:

  • "What effect do orthoses (especially AFOs) have on the inverse dynamics calculation?"
  • "Is it valid to perform inverse dynamics analysis when the subject wears orthoses?"

    Email your comments to [n/a]

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    Maintained by Dr Chris Kirtley
    Last modified on Thursday, 11-Jul-96 14:11:00 MSZ.

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