10 yo girl with diplegic cerebral palsy. Tendo-Achilles lengthening performed 5 y previously.
Motion Toolbox annotated summary (2 Mb full-screen QuickTime - best saved to disk first to prevent it being distorted to fit browser)
Right-side summary & auto-diagnostics
Right-side movie
Right-side Gait Analysis Results
Right-side Force-plate record
Left-side summary & auto-diagnostics
Left-side movie
Left-side Gait Analysis Results
Frontal-plane movie
Right-side with AFOs summary & auto-diagnostics
Right-side movie with AFOs
Right-side Gait Analysis Results with AFOs
Left-side with AFOs summary & auto-diagnostics
Left-side movie with AFOs
Left-side Gait Analysis Results with AFOs
Frontal-plane movie with AFOs
(The raw data)
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