5 year old boy with spastic diplegia. Walks with the aid of bilateral AFOs and a K-walker.
As can be seen in the animation below, he demonstrates quite a marked assymetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR).
The gait is somewhat stop-go, and there are occassional moments of "freezing",
after which the ATNR seems to be associated with a new burst of activity.
He was examined before and 4 months after bilateral Botox injections
to the gastrocnemius muscles.
Case prepared by Dr. Chris Kirtley
& referred by Nerita Chan
Email your comments to [n/a]
Maintained by Dr.
Chris Kirtley, Andreas
Temporal-spatial Parameters
Stride Length
Step Length
Stance Duration
0.09 m/s
42 steps/min
0.26 m
R = 15 cm; L = 11 cm
R = 86%; L = 90%
QuickTime Movies
Unaided Gait
With AFOs
With K-Walker
After Botox
Left side
Left side
Right side
Right side
Front view
Back view
Back view
3D Gait Analysis results (Vicon 370 Version 2.6, full-body marker
set, VCM kinematics)
Left Variability
Right Variability
Pre/Post Comparison: Left ... Right
... points for discussion:
What people said...
Last modified on 27th April. 1999.