of the week: 25-2-2005
This is a girl aged 3 years 10 months with spastic diplegia, who requires
a walking aid to ambulate.
She has attained the following milestones:
Social smile: 4 months
Follow with eyes: 4 months
Head holding: 8 months
Rolling over: 1 year
Sitting: 1 yr 10 months
Standing: 1 yr 10 months
She has the following problems:
Dynamic Spasticity in Tendo-Achilles, adductors of hip, pectorals, pronators,
rectus femoris
Tightness currently seen in pronators, pectoral, Hamstrings (mild)
(Earlier there was tightness in Tendo-Achilles, hip adductors, rectus femoris,
mild amount in hip flexors, hamstrings
Deformities-rocker bottom, left external tibial torsion, leg-length discrepancy
of 1 cm. ?Subluxation of left hip
MMT: all muscles are above grade 3 except hip abductors, hip extensors
which are around grade 2
She has a strong extensor synergy when she walks,
Walks with stiff legs
For clearance of lower extremity she extends her back and clears it (due
to rectus femoris Spasticity associated with extension synergy)
Functionally she is independent:
• She can come to sit, stand with support, crawl, stands independently
with AFO for less than 1 min.
• She is a very bright girl, communication is normal
• Other systems are normal
She has been receiving therapy past 1 and half yr and she has started walking
with walker within 6 months. For the past one yr her motor status is static
as she is today .We are unable to wean her off walker due to the dynamic
adductor spasticity that accompanies gait with the AFO and of course TA
spasticity when not using the AFO.
Points for discussion
Our concerns are:
Whether botox given to her adductors, rectus femoris can help her along
with stabilization of the rocker bottom?
Whether muscle release is a better option?
Whether there is instability at the hip?
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