This is our Lab's inaugural posting on this list so go easy on us.
After reviewing the videos and data on this 16 year old we have some
comments and some questions regarding the surgery done on this young
Some impressions first of all. Judging from the video it looks
as though
he has an increased anterior pelvic tilt, increased
hip flexion and
diminished knee flexion during stance post operatively.
These are
supported by the kinematic data.
He doesn't seem to have benefitted from the Rectus transfer as
his knee
flexion during swing is not significantly increased. The anterior
tilt and hip flexion contractures are worse following the surgery.
We don't think the patient has improved.
Based on the data presented we agree with most of the choices of surgery.
The amount of anterior pelvic tilt would indicate psoas release is
required. There is borderline data to support knee flexion contracture
treatment. We don't support the need for the rectus transfer
even though
there was some limitation of knee flexion during swing.
We would question the effectiveness of the psoas release. From
the post-op
data we see increased pelvic tilt, a result of either increased hip
tightness or significant weakness of his hamstrings (almost as seen
patients who have undergone proximal rather than distal hamstring
lengthenings). We think he may require a repeat psoas release
or even an
ilio-psoas release this time. We don't feel that this patient
can be left
with this degree of pelvic tilt and hip flexion tightness even though
he is
only 7 months post-op.
Richard Beauchamp, MD , Gait Lab Medical Director
Alec Black, MSc, Gait Lab Director
Shriners Gait Lab
phone: (604)436 6502
Sunny Hill Health Centre email:
3644 Slocan St.
homepage: updated November 5, 1998
Vancouver, B.C., V5M 3E8
Please let me know what you think.
Henry <>
If I summarize the abnormalities as I can see in
kinetic and kinematic
data; for the right side, - Excessive Dorsi-flexion of midtarsal joint
( broken foot) and inadequate plantar flexion in Psw and Isw. The Ankle
kinetic results indicate inadequate plantar flexion moment in the
related subphases in pre and post op periods.
- Inadequate knee extension of the knee in stance phase seems to
be well
corrected by the surgery but I can not say the same thing for
the inadequacy of knee flexion in swing.
-Hip is in flexion position in whole gait cycle in pre and post
periods but the kinetics results show no abnormality.
- Pelvis is always in anterior pelvic tilt.
- Trunk is leaning to right side in stance likely because of
contra-lateral gluteus medius weakness.
We can say the similar things for left side; Inadequate ankle
flexion in Tst,Psw and premature heel rise and broken midtarsal joint,
inadequate knee flexion is continuing in swing after the surgery but
knee extension in stance is ok,increased hip flexion in whole gait
cycle, increased anterior pelvic tilt and pelvis is down in Tst, Psw,
When we focus on kinetic values, the main problem seems like
plantar flexor power generation in Tst, Psw. Ýt might
be one of the
reason of inadequate knee flexion in swing phase also. I think that
operation was not as affective as we expected and we should also focus
on energy generation of the ankle in PT Department. The psoas
lengthening does not seem that corrected the anterior pelvic tilt and
increased hip flexion. Rectus transfer seems like effected knee pattern
in stance but not in swing.
Please contact with me If I had a mistake as understanding the
abnormalities from the gait data. As I said I have not much experience
to interpret the data as you.
Thank you
Ekin Akalan PT
Istanbul Medical University
Physical Therapy Department
Phone;011 90 (216) 356 3383